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Ultra Pure Topical Magnesium

Adding Magnesium To Your Routine

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, certain questions arise more commonly than others. Two questions that come to mind are “Which of your Ancient Minerals applications do you recommend?” and “How much magnesium should I be using each day?”

Although we’ve discussed these in our posts on magnesium dosages and getting the most out of your magnesium, the answer that I often find myself giving is…

What will best fit into your daily routine?

I realize that’s not really the answer most are seeking – in fact, it’s probably better. Why?

Adding Magnesium To Your RoutineBecause for many people, if the “good” habit they are trying to implement causes too much of a disruption to their daily schedule, they will eventually get frustrated and simply stop doing it. Sure, in a perfect world we would all rearrange our lives around what we should do rather than what we want to be doing, but realistically that’s not how most people function.

Take the average diet plan, for instance. Most of these fail within a week – not because the person doesn’t want to follow through, but because it’s such a sudden change that most routine-oriented people balk at having to alter their life so drastically. Of course, there’s also the issue of willpower (or lack thereof), but mainly it’s that feeling of having your life shaken up like a snow globe that throws you off kilter and ends up landing you back in your unhealthy rut.

Beyond the rare suggestions to go the “cold turkey” route, most recommendations veer towards a slower transition in order to make the change something that’s sustainable. This goes for supplements as well.

When it comes to adding magnesium into your routine, whether it be oral, topical, or both, you need to make sure that your plan is something that will easily become habit. A large percentage of our population requires daily supplementation with magnesium, so forgetting to take it or waiting until the “perfect time to use it” is not really an option.

For example, it has now been several months since a friend of mine started using our magnesium oil, but he has only succeeded in using it twice, and one of these times was when I rubbed it onto his arm for him! His explanation was that he wanted to use it before his shower in the morning like I do, but never seemed to find the time or remember.

This is an extremely common occurrence where a person waits for an ideal moment, as though they’re saving a bottle of wine for a special occasion rather than completing a daily ritual. When it comes right down to it, it would be better to use a few sprays a day than nothing at all. Most people find that once they start consistently using that little bit each day, they eventually are able to build up to a more impactful dosage.

Of course, this is also a great example of where one size does not fit all – he was trying to implement my routine rather than building upon his own.

Misconceptions About Transdermal Magnesium Use

Based on the feedback that we’ve received both from people who are considering topical magnesium as well as current Ancient Minerals users, it has become apparent that many people are placing it in this special category that results in infrequent usage.

Numerous conversations have yielded responses such as:

  1. I only use it after I work out.
  2. If I get a headache, I apply it.
  3. I’m not sure when to use it, so I haven’t had the chance yet.
  4. I don’t have 20 minutes to wait for it to work and/or wash it off.
  5. My skin itches, so I stopped using it.
  6. I like to take baths, but can’t do it every day.
  7. I’m planning on getting into shape soon, so maybe I’ll start it then.
  8. I couldn’t tell if it was working, I don’t think I’m magnesium deficient.

Comments like these are troubling, in a way, but mainly they indicate an inherent lack of understanding as to the true nature of the product. Topical magnesium is a supplement – plain and simple. It’s not a periodic pain reliever, or a relaxing soak in the tub, or a muscle recovery tool… it is ALL of those things and more. If you are using topical as your only means of magnesium supplementation, the phrase “once in a while” should not be your answer when asked how often you use it. vast majority of our population (specifically in the U.S.) is magnesium deficientStatistics show that the vast majority of our population (specifically in the U.S.) is magnesium deficient – many of whom are severely deficient.

Yes, Ancient Minerals is a great post workout supplement, but having sufficient magnesium stored in your system throughout the day will not only boost your exercise performance, but your all around well-being. You wouldn’t wait until you were starving to eat, right? So why starve your body of magnesium? Whether it’s food or magnesium starvation, your body will not perform at its peak and your health will falter.

And not just for you fitness enthusiasts, the same goes for headaches, allergies, eczema, joint pain, etc. Magnesium isn’t just a remedy, it’s a preventative measure – an essential nutrient. Using it means that you could, in fact, circumvent many of these issues, never having to experience them in the first place.

If you aren’t using your magnesium oil because it’s uncomfortable on your skin or because you don’t want to have to wait and then wash it off, then this application isn’t the one for you. If you can’t take a bath or a foot bath daily, then you should have more than magnesium bath flakes on hand. If you find yourself only using the magnesium gel during a massage, then perhaps you need to select another application for your primary means of supplementation.

Also, although testimonials and outspoken supporters of transdermal magnesium have glowingly wonderful things to say about how the product noticeably helped them, the truth is that the average person is not going to see, feel, or experience these dramatic transformations. Nor should that be the expectation when you decide on this form of magnesium supplement. Most people who take B vitamins or vitamin D aren’t expecting some sort of miraculous turnaround – they simply acknowledge that their body needs it and add it to their daily regime. Unlike our food appetite, our body doesn’t really experience that instant feeling of satiation when we provide it nutrients it’s lacking.

Another reality check is that the average person is not going to be aware of the fact that they are magnesium deficient – it’s called asymptomatic. Our highly advanced bodies have the ability to mask this deficiency by juggling around nutrients and limping along using makeshift substitutions.

But guess what? That duct taped, “MacGuyver fix” isn’t going to last forever, and it’s certainly not sustainable long term. As is often the case, by the time the deficiency is noticed, you’re too late and the damage has already been done.

So the question is, would you rather maintain it along the way, or wait for it to break down?

Combining Applications

daily magnesium doseOne of the main reasons why we created so many varieties of topical magnesium is because often times it takes a combination of these to make up your daily magnesium dose. The unpredictability of life can often lead to having to compromise and adapt on your supplement use. It would be great if a single application alone could fit that bill for you, but that’s not always going to be the case.

Try to imagine an average day in the life of [your name here], and see where you can start to incorporate magnesium usage. Do you prefer baths? Do you have sensitive skin? Are you partial to moisturizers? Is there a part of your body you’d rather apply it to?

The benefit of having multiple means of getting magnesium is exponential.

For me, personally, I stash various types of magnesium in places that I visit throughout my day as a visual reminder to use it. You can find small travel bottles of our Ancient Minerals products tucked into my car, bathroom cabinet, shower, bedroom, desk, kitchen and even in the restroom at work. And all of this is on top of my oral magnesium use!

No, I’m not bragging – just sharing the great length that even I need to go to in order to keep my usage up. Bravo for those of you that can simply apply your magnesium oil once a day and be done. But for the rest of us normal folk…


Now that I’ve gone into such detail on the slow but steady implementation of magnesium into your lifestyle, I’ll end with saying that even with small steps, I hope you challenge yourself and step outside of your comfort zone a bit. That’s the only way to truly progress, and guess what? You’re worth it.